Posts Written OnJanuary 2010

I hate multi-tipped pens. You know which ones I mean. The big fatty pens that have the little buttons on the top. Push down the red button for the red pen, the blue button for the blue pen, the black button for the black pen, and the green (who ever needs to write with green anyway?) button for the green pen. I used to have a sparkly purple one in elementary school. I was really excited about it until I used it for about a week and all of the black ran out. Then I switched to the blue mode…

I didn’t want to say so, but for a while I believed that my child might be a quadriplegic. I had been reading in books and talking to people about all of the movement that their little utero-nuggets are doing by now. They kick, flip, and do somersaults. I had not felt the slightest flutter from this little lady that lives inside of me. I did yoga moves to flip the baby around. Nothing. I would poke at her with my fingers and try to make her poke back. Apparently the womb doesn’t work like facebook. The books told me…